Prominent Cemeteries
Tour these cemeteries for some great history and fascinating architecture.
Born 1812 in Keith, Banffshire, Scotland. Died 1883. Engineer who came to New Orleans to make his fortune. Engaged in foundry business called Geddes Shakespeare & Co. Father of George D. Geddes. Partner of Joseph Shakespeare, Mayor of New Orleans (1880-1882 and 1888-1892). |
Born 1845. Died 1916. Known as the pioneer Undertaker of the South. Owner of the George D. Geddes Undertaking and Embalming Company, Ltd. President of the oldest black insurance company in the South. First funeral home in Louisiana to have a female embalmer. |
Born 1880. Died 1948. After graduating Tuskegee Institute, entered into the undertaking business with his father, George Sr. Became President of the George D. Geddes Undertaking and Embalming Company, Ltd. Became Vice President of the Unity Ind. Life Insurance Company of Louisiana and Chicago.
Born 1871. Died 1902. Son of George Geddes Sr. Established funeral home in his name. Later changed to Geddes-Richards upon his death and operated by his sister and brother-in-law in Uptown New Orleans through the late 1970s. |
Born 1877. Died 1913. Son of George D. Geddes. Owner and proprietor of Geddes & Moss Undertaking and Embalming Company. In 1909, he, along with other funeral directors, formed the New Orleans Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association (colored). Later, it was renamed Crescent City Funderal Directors and Embalmbers Association in 1938. |
Born 1878. Died 1970. Wife of Clement Geddes, proprietor of Geddes and Moss Undertaking Company. Assumed leadership of Geddes and Moss after death of her first husband and renamed the business to Gertrude Geddes Willis Funeral Home. |